Talks in 2024
Sven Illert -
I am happy to announce that I will be appearing at least at two conferences organized by DOAG, the German Oracle user group. The first talk will be held at the DOAG Datenbank 2024 and the topic is Transparent Data Encryption auf Engineered Systems - Kleine Helfer which is about TDE and their helpers on engineered systems on premises and in the OCI. I love this conference in Düsseldorf and am happy to be there again.

The second appearance will be my first visit at the CloudLand in the very unusual location of Phantasialand which is a holiday park. The topic for my talk there will be Von Null auf Cloud in 100 Tagen and tells the story of a customer project where we built a rather complex SaaS solution from scratch in the OCI within 100 days. I’m looking curiously forward for this novel experience.